Kata kerja beraturan dalam Bahasa Inggris ada ribuan. Perubahan dari Verb 1 menjadi Verb 2 dan Verb 3 hanya ada tambahan -ed. Kalau dibuat daftarnya maka akan memanjang ke bawah dan capek melihatnya. Kita sederhanakan menjadi beberapa kata saja dengan urutan A sampai Z. Supaya lebih mantap, setiap kata disertai contoh kalimat.
- Add - added = menambahkan. Contoh: First, add some seasoning.
- Bake - baked = memanggang. Contoh: We baked some bread last nigh.
- Clap - clapped = bertepuk. Contoh: Clap your hand please!
- Dry - dried = mengeringkan. Contoh: We need to dry the floor.
- Exit - exitted = keluar. Contoh: Use the door to exit.
- Fry - fried = menggoreng. Contoh: I'm going to fry some fish.
- Gaze - gazed = menatap. Contoh: The man gazed into her eyes.
- Humiliate - humiliated = menghina. Contoh: Do not humiliate anyone!
- Insert - inserted = memasukkan. Contoh: Inser your card!
- Jump - jumped = melompat. Contoh: He jumped into the river.
- Kick - kicked = menendang. Contoh: Beckham kicked the ball hard.
- Lick - licked = menjilat. Contoh: The cat licks her tail very often.
- Miss - missed = ketinggalan. Contoh: I misse the train.
- Need - needed = membutuhkan. Contoh: I need you so much.
- Occupy - Occupied = menguasai. Contoh: The enemy occupied the barrack.
- Postpone - postponed = menunda. Contoh: The flight is postponed.
- Ruin - ruined = meruntuhkan. Contoh: The tractor hit and ruined the building.
- Slip - slipped = memasukkan. Contoh: The child tried to slip his finger to the hole.
- Try - tried = mencoba. Contoh: He tried to answer all questions correctly.
- Unit - united = bersatu. Contoh: Indonesia united to fight against the colonizers.
- Vote - voted = memilih.Contoh: American voted Barrack Obama as the president.
- Wait - waited = menunggu. Contoh: Wait for a moment, please!
- Yawn - yawned = menguap. Contoh: He often yawns. He always sleeps late.
- Zip - zipped = menutup resleting. Contoh: Don't forget to zip your trousers after taking a pee.
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