Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Mawut
Versi Bahasa Indonesia
- 1 piring penuh nasi
- 1 papan mie telor
- 3 butir telur ayam
- 4 siung bawang putih
- 1/2 batang daun bawang
- 1 biji cabe merah besar
- secukupnya Garam
- secukupnya Kaldu jamur
- secukupnya Kecap manis
- secukupnya Kecap asin
- secukupnya Saus tiram
- secukupnya Lada bubuk
- secukupnya Minyak goreng
Langkah-langkah membuat
Pertama, rebus mie telor hingga masak, kemudian tiriskan.
Kedua, tumis bawang putih hingga harum. Kemudian masukan 1 butir telur, masak orak arik.
Ketiga, masukan nasi dan mie ke dalam tumisan kemudian aduk hingga rata.
Keempat, masukan saos tiram, kecap manis, kecap asin, garam, kaldu jamur, dan lada lalu, aduk hingga rata.
Kelima, masukan daun bawang dan cabe merah besar yang telah diiris-iris kemudian aduk hingga rata.
Keenam, masakan siap dipindahkan ke piring/mangkok yang tersedia.
Ketujuh, dadar 2 butir telur kemudian potong tipis-tipis. Lalu taburkan di atas nasi mawut.
Terakhir, nasi goreng mawut siap dihidangkan.
Versi Bahasa Inggris
How to Make Mawut Fried Rice
- a plate of rice
- a sachet of egg noodle
- 3 eggs
- 4 cloves garlic
- a half of sleek
- 1 large red chili
- salt to taste
- mushroom broth to taste
- soy sauce to taste
- salty soy sauce to taste
- oyster sauce to taste
- ground pepper to taste
- vegetable oil
Steps to make it
First, boil egg noodles until cooked, then drain.
Second, saute garlic, put 1 egg to make a scrambled egg.
Third, add rice and cooked egg noodles into the saute garlic and scrambled egg, then stir well.
Fourth, add the oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, mushroom broth, and pepper then, stir well.
Fifth, add the sliced leeks and large red chilies then stir until smooth.
Sixth, the dishes are ready to serve.
Seventh, make an omelette with 2 eggs then slice thinly. Then sprinkle it over the mawut fried rice.
Finally, mawut fried rice is ready to serve.
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