Apakah membuat donat susah? Sepertinya tidak begitu susah. Anda tinggal mempraktekkan sesuai dengan yang ada dalam resep berikut ini.
How to make donut
- 400 grams of high protein wheat flour
- 100 grams of medium protein wheat flour
- a half of teaspoon of baking powder
- 15 grams of instant yeast
- 70 grams of margarine
- a half of teaspoon of salt
- 2 eggs
- 100 grams of sugar
- 200 ml of fresh milk
Procedure to make donut
- Mix high and medium wheat flour, baking powder, instant yeast well.
- Add margarine, salt, eggs, sugar, and fresh milk. Mix using hand. Stop when it isn't sticky to our hand. Let it for about 30 minutes.
- Take the gas out, and shape the donut. Keep it for 15 minutes.
- Fry in vegetable oil with medium heat until the colour is brownish.
sangat membantu sekali.
BalasHapustrima kasih atas kunjungan dan komentarnya.