Teks Procedure cara membuat mie instant menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Teks prosedur ini dibuat oleh siswa LKP Oxford Jember kelas Basic bernama Sofi Yanuar Riska.
How to Make Instant Noodle
- a pack of instant noodle.
- water
- Turn on the stove.
- Put the pan on the stove, and boil water.
- Cook the instant noodle.
- Turn off the stove.
- Prepare a plate.
- Open and put the seasoning into the plate.
- Filter the noodle from the water.
- Mix the noodle with the seasoning.
- Stir well.
- Spread the fried onion on the noodle.
- The noodle is ready to eat.
ijin copas yah... makasih manfaat nihh...
BalasHapusSilahkan brother
BalasHapusizin print buat Nge bet uts =D
BalasHapusizin copas yaa
oke bro
BalasHapusCopas, izin!!