Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Percakapan Remaja Jatuh Cinta Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

| Senin, 05 Maret 2012
Dating on a tree

Dua remaja sedang dilanda asmara sedang berada di sebuah taman. Ini adalah kencan pertama mereka setelah jadian seminggu yang lalu.

Boy: Honey, let's sit over there?

Girl: Where? There's no place for sitting.

Boy: There. Under the tree.

Girl: Uh, There are some bushes near the tree. I'm afraid.

Boy: Why?

Girl: I'm afraid of snake.

Boy: Don't worry, honey. There's me.

Girl: Yea, but I'm still afraid.

Boy: So, where should we sit?

Girl: There.

Boy: Where?

Girl: On the tree.

Keduanya tertawa lalu melangkah menuju pohon yang dimaksud.

Boy: It's cool, isn't it?

Girl: No, it's sunny. It's very hot.

Boy: I feel cool.

Girl: Really?

Boy: Yea, because of you.

Si cewek tertawa sambil memukul punggung cowoknya. Selanjutnya..... lanjutin sendiri ceritanya ya.

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