Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Conditional Sentence Type III

| Minggu, 13 Februari 2011
Pernah menyesal dengan apa yang terjadi? Nah, kamu bisa mengekspresikannya dengan Conditional Sentence Type III.

Mari kita lihat contoh berikut ini!

Last week I met my ex-girlfriend. She was still beautiful. I felt that my heart was beating. I thought I still loved her like I used to. If that time I hadn’t broken our relationship, maybe she had become the princess of my heart. 

Kalimat “If that time I hadn’t broken our relationship, maybe she had become the princess of my heart” adalah Conditional Sentence. Kalimat ini menunjukkan penyesalan pembicara tentang masa lalunya dan tidak mungkin terulang lagi. 

Cara membuat Conditional Sentence Type III “if + Past Perfect Tense, Past Future Perfect Tense.”

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