Discussion text about Twitter

People agree that twitter is interesting because it can be used easily. Besides that, on twitter we do not need to confirm someone who wants to be our follower.
Another benefit of using twitter is we can follow many celebs that we like. We are able to know what they have done recently.
People prefer twitter because it can be navigated easily. The twitter has only a few buttons to operate.
Some people say that they don’t like twitter. They feel that twitter is not interesting. There are only a few characters that can be posted on Twitter. It is only 140 characters. It makes people very difficult to express their idea freely.
People seem to dislike Twitter because it is often over posted. They say that they are often disappointed when they cannot log into Twitter because of full tweeps.
Twitter is good for someone who wants to tell something in short text. It seems more effective and efficient.
This discussion text is arranged by Leli and edited by Fadli Eha for Sekolahoke.com