Selasa, 20 November 2012

Contoh Soal Invitation Ujian Nasional SMP

| Selasa, 20 November 2012
Contoh soal invitation dalam Ujian Nasional (UN) tingkat SMP.

Mr. and Mrs. Chew Kok Key
Mr. and Mrs. Lim Kau

request the pleasure of your company
to a wedding dinner at

Holiday Inn
Jalan Syed Abdul Aziz
Melaka, 75000 Malaysia
Tel: 06.2859000
Fax: 06.2859111

at 7.00 p.m.
on the occasion of mariage of 

Mr. Chew Whoong Seng
Ms. Lim Boon Eng

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Ms. Lim persuades Mr. Chew to marry her.
B. Mr. Chew invites Ms. Lim to go on holiday.
C. Ms. Lim invites Mr. Chew to come to her party.
D. Mr. Chew invites their colleagues to come to the party.

2. When will the party be held?
A. at noon.
B. in the evening.
C. in the morning.
D. in the afternoon

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