Berikut ini contoh dialog singkat menuduh dan mengakui (Accusing and Admitting). memakai nama Julia Perez (Jupe) dan Dewi Persik (Depe) sebagai ilustrasi. Tahu kenapa? Karena keduanya dikenal publik sebagai dua pribadi yang tak akur satu sama lain.
Depe looks angry when she doesn't find her mobile phone. She thinks Jupe has stolen it. Then, she comes to Jupe.
Depe : Hey you! You stole my mobile phone.
Jupe : Huh! How dare you are. I won't do that suck things.
Jupe : Huh! How dare you are. I won't do that suck things.
Depe : Yea, I've seen you out of my room. It must be you stealing my mobile phone.
Jupe : I never do it. Why do you always suspect in me?
Depe : Yea. Because you're suck. You ...
Before Depe continues her words, Jupe hits her on the face. Depe suddenly gets faint.
Tanya : Manakah ungkapan Accusing dalam dialog diatas?
Jawab : You stole my mobile phone dan It must be you stealing my mobile phone
Tanya : Manakah ungkapan admitting dalam dialog diatas?
Jawab : I won't do that suck things dan I never do it.
Dalam dialog Jupe menyangkal tuduhan Depe. Dia mengatakan I won't do that suck things dan I never do it. Kedua kalimat ini digunakan untuk menyangkal tuduhan.
Sedangkan ungkapan pengakuan (admitting) bisa menggunakan kalimat berikut ini.
- I admit that I do it.
- I'm sorry, I don't mean it.
- Forgive me for doing that.
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