Postingan ini berisi percakapan singkat tentang liburan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Saya peruntukkan bagi kamu yang sedang mencari contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan tema liburan.
Hari pertama masuk sekolah. Libur selama dua minggu. Chelsea dan Bella bertemu dan berbincang mengenai liburan mereka.
Chelsea: How is your vacation, Bella?
Bella: That was fantastic.
Chelsea: Really?
Bella: Yea. I went to Jogjakarta.
Chelsea: Wow, that's great.
Bella: Yea, I went to Borobudur temple.
Chelsea: What did you see there?
Bella: Of course a temple.
Chelsea: I mean, what did you enjoy at Borobudur?
Bella: I just walked around the temple. I felt our great-grandfathers were really hardworking.
Chelsea: Why do you think so?
Bella: Yea. That was very wonderful building. It's big and still existed for long time.
Chelsea: Yes. I wonder how they made it.
Bella: Yes. How did they bring the stone to the hill and built it.
Chelsea: I think they had a magical power.
Bella: O, what was that?
Chelsea: That was kind of supernatural power owned by people in the past.
Bella: Yes. Maybe. There wasn't any modern tools. It's logic that they needed magical power.
Chelsea: Yes. Let's go to the class. It's about to 7.
Demikian dialog singkat antara Chelsea dan Bella yang bercakap-cakap tentang liburan mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
Gunakan Google Translate jika ingin mengartikan.
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