Akta Kelahiran = Birth Certificate
Akta Tanah = Land Deed
Akta Jual Beli = Deed of Sale and Purchase
KTP = Identity Card (ID)
Kartu Pelajar = Student Card
Kartu Sehat = Health Card
Kartu Anggota = Member Card
Kartu Pengenal = Identification CardKartu Ujian = Examination Card
Kartu Telepon = SIM Card
Kartu Keluarga = Family Card
SIM = Driving License
STNK = Vehicle Number Certificate
Surat Nikah = Marriage License
Surat Cinta = Love LetterSurat Pengunduran Diri = Letter of Resignation
Surat Panggilan = Summons
Surat Keputusan (SK) = Letter Decision
Surat PHK / Pemecatan = Pink Slip
Surat Perintah = Warrant
Surat Perjanjian = Letter of Agreement
Surat Keterangan = Reference
BalasHapusIt this help
Woow this realy_really help me
BalasHapusMantap,this is good and helpful
BalasHapusMantap,this is helpful