Berikut ini contoh teks Hortatory Exposition yang diambil dari buku Real English 2 karangan Peter James.
In the last year, hundreds of parents in Britain have been prosecuted and fined because they took their daughters out of the educational system. These parents are of south Asian origin and feel that they have been unfairly dealt with by the British authorities. These parents believe that their daughters only need a basic school education. Once the girls reach the age of 12 or 13, their parents think that they should stop attending school. Girls of south Asian parents do not need to go to school after the age of 12 or 13. These girls need to stay at home so that they can learn from their mothers. The girls need to learn how to cook and take care of the house. School learning from the age of 13 is totally unnecessary for the roles that the girls will have as wives and mothers. From the age of 12 or 13, the girls need to stay at home so that they can be prepared for marriage. At this age, the girls need to be ready to go back to south Asia as soon as a husband can be found for them. Their future husbands will not want the girls’ head to be filled with unnecessary facts and ideas. The girls will not need to be educated to be able to cook, clean and have children. The British government needs to respect the right of parents to decide the future of their children. Girls and women in south Asian culture have a different role to those in Britain. South Asian families must keep to their traditional culture. The British government should not interfere in the lives of south Asian families. South Asian parents love their daughters and will make sure that the girls develop the skills that will make their future husbands happy. |
The text is Hortatory Exposition. The purpose is to promote a particular point of view about something and recommend a course of action.
Generic structure:
1. Introduction/thesis.
2. Main section/arguments (evidence)
3. Recommendation
Language features:
It is written in third person.
It uses present tense to promote facts as the writer sees them.
It uses future tense to say what needs to be done.1. Introduction/thesis.
2. Main section/arguments (evidence)
3. Recommendation
Language features:
It is written in third person.
It uses present tense to promote facts as the writer sees them.
Dari teks dan penjelasan di atas Hortatory Exposition adalah teks yang berfungsi menyampaikan pandangan tentang sesuatu atau merekomendasikan sesuatu.
Bagian-bagian dari Hortatory Exposition adalah pernyataan pendapat, pendapat penulis yang disertai bukti-bukti, dan saran atau rekomendasi
Fitur-fitur yang digunakan dalam Hortatory Exposition yaitu tertulis dalam pandangan orang ketiga, menggunakan kalimat present tense untuk menyampaikan fakta, dan future tense untuk menyampaikan saran atau rekomendasi.
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